Andrew Staggs Consulting

Not For Profit Sector Consultant & Coach

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I help leaders, boards & organisations

  • achieve more impact in less time
  • become crystal clear & confident about the direction you are heading
  • focus on organisational health that leads to results & success (& often more money)
  • get the “more” you are looking for


Andrew Staggs has a unique skill-set including experience in leadership, business, consultancy, coaching and public speaking, both in Australia and overseas.

He also has over 20 years  experience in  launching new organisations, governance boards, micro finance & community development. Andrew has spoken to & coached thousands of people, driven by a passion to communicate life keys in a powerful way, with a focus on life improvement & transformation.

His expertise is in shifting mindsets and building bigger people to produce results.

He also holds degrees in business and ministry.

Industries and Sectors include: Child Care, Aged Care, Schools, Tertiary Education, Faith-Based Organisations, Community Services, Youth Development, Micro Finance, Wealth Education, Churches, Drug Rehabilitation, Sport and Recreation, Financial Counselling, Financial Literacy, Youth Housing, & Executive Laundry.

In addition to consulting and training services Andrew also does coaching, supervision and mentoring

These include assistance and skill builder/resources for:

  • Emotional Intelligence Strengthening
  • Change Management Effectiveness
  • Communication Effectiveness
  • Goal Setting Effectiveness
  • Leadership Effectiveness
  • Listening Effectiveness
  • Problem Solving & Decision Making
  • Team Building Effectiveness

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Contacting Andrew

Mobile AU 0412 042 025

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