What are your fees? How much do you charge?

Each project is unique, and each client has their own goals, needs and requirements.

Actual fees are set after an initial meeting and presented in a short term phased approach so that more accurate estimates can be determined as to fees via a written proposal. Some areas of evaluation and consultation are more involved than others and therefore differ in cost.

An organisation or church may need a simple assessment that can be handled via mail and phone or the issues may demand a more comprehensive on-site visit by a consultant.

You can view some testimonials here.

Why should we use a consultant instead of using staff or volunteers?

The staff time required to develop a new program is often prohibitive, especially when existing day-to-day operations require full attention. I can focus my full attention to your program, offering new insight and clear direction.

In order to determine what changes would make a constructive difference in your organisation or church, an issue within an organisation frequently requires an objective, third party analysis of the unique dynamics and root organisational causes.

My onsite training and consultations can engage staff and volunteers along with the CEO or leader.

What is the difference between coaching and consulting?

Many people mistakenly assume that the coaching process and the consulting process are, at least similar, if not the same. Yet, the two processes are so VERY DIFFERENT.

It is vital that you understand the differences so that you will be able to maximize the results you attain from either process. The processes are so different, that a person will get poor results, if any, from either process, if mistakenly treated as the other.

Consulting is a process that diagnoses and assesses the problems facing an organisation or its leader and helps to recommend a course of action that will accomplish a specific goal. A consultant brings expertise and wisdom from the outside to the decision makers of an organization. Their advice, motivation, and brainstorming can help you when you are stuck to break out of the traps of mediocrity and build your ministry to its full potential.

Coaching is a process that provides support, encouragement, and accountability in accomplishing a goal. The coach walks the client through the steps clarifying and affirming them along the way. Coaches need not be experts in a particular field but they have the skill of helping others to perform and achieve great results.

In fact, from my viewpoint , consulting, training, and coaching go hand-in-hand. Frequently clients receive good recommendations from a consultant but need ongoing coaching to help with the implementation. Both have a very useful place in helping organisations and  leaders improve their performance and fruitfulness.


You can make contact with us here.